Hmmmm, where to start...I'm sure some of you have heard of our excitement this past week and we are still in "Hurry Up & Wait" mode.
Dave had a stress test last Thursday which led to a cardiac cath (angiogram) on Friday. Briefly, the doctors were just about to place a couple of stents but thought maybe it would be better to do bypass. Of course, they tell you this and expect you to accept major surgery in the moment. Dave was still sedated when they told him and of course, that was a major blow to him. Dave and I talked to 3 cardiologists that night and they all agreed it wasn't an urgent matter and he could go home and think about it. Believe me, that is all we thought about all weekend! Monday morning Dave called Dr. Kabel and Kabel understands DAve's position pretty well. He is sending Dave to Mayo Clinic to be further evaluated. They may do stents that day....otherwise, it will be bypass here in Waterloo. If they do stents, he will be back to work Monday and Iraq is a go. Bypass would mean no Iraq and quite a recovery period. His heart muscle is healthy and the doctors believe that he will bounce back quickly from the bypass if he should have it done.
By the way, Carrie was there Friday for everything. She was a great support to both Dave and I. Mike joined us at the end of the day and ended up helping us try to rescue Laura's car, but that's another story.
Basically, this is what is commanding our every breath right now. I have heard from so many of you with best wishes and offers of help and we really appreciate that. I promise, you will see me on your caller ID someday...I hope you answer! hehe