The baby shower went well. It took a couple of days for me to recover, not from the actual shower, but from the previous week of cleaning and working, etc. Carrie was thrilled with the whole thing, from the cucumber sandwiches to the presents. The gifts were wonderful, and I'm kind of jealous. The things they have now to help mommy and daddy are so cool now (I really could have used the monitors). It's so fun to see the tiny little socks, and the outfits are so darn cute!
My niece Jenny came down early to visit with the girls (and me) and she brought her little Luella along. I hadn't met Luella yet but by the time Jen and Lu left, I was in love! I used my new video camera to take some precious movies. When we went to Mike and Carrie's Saturday evening, Cassy was there with Corina and Carly. Carly and Luella are about the same age and the pool table was their stage. They put on a show for all of us, including Aunt Elaine, Sara Lou, and Great Grandma!
Those who attended included Great-Great Aunt Tommy, Great-Great Aunt Wilma, Great Aunt Elaine (and she is a GREAT aunt!), Great Grandma Harder, and Cousins Sara Lou (Harder-Harriger)with Hayley (4) and Hannah (2), Jenny (Harder-Thomas) and Luella (almost 6 months), and Karen (Morse-Winter). There were so many friends there too, all helping us celebrate the Little Man's upcoming birth day.

Luella and Carly
Aren't they sweet?