Dave and his "New" 2004 Harley-Davidson Road King
The Sportster and the Road King together. Aren't they sexy?
Yes, it's true. Lois is actually riding the Sportster and has retired the Rebel (anyone wanna buy a Honda Rebel? It's a sweet little starter bike... :o)
Today was spent doing exactly what we wanted to do when we talked of getting the bikes; riding county roads, viewing the scenery, stopping at new places and restaurants, smelling the manure in the air....money smell!
Somehow, we started going west but ended up going east and in Readlyn. Carrie & Mike had just gotten home from CF. They are very very busy working on their bedroom and nursery upstairs. Dave and I will more than likely go paint some more.
This afternoon: Mike and Carrie....21 days left!
When we stopped in Readlyn this evening, I told Carrie she looked even more preggo than she did earlier in the day. The baby moved up some, changing her shape. She said she could hardly breathe cuz little man was up under her lungs. Poor baby...but it's going to be soon!!