Hi! I'm Mikey. It's December 24, 2009 and I am 6 months old. My favorite drink is milk, and my favorite food is oatmeal.

Let me introduce you to my family!

This is my mommy. She tells me I am her favorite present!
This is my daddy. We like to chill on the couch and cruise the net.

This is my gampa. He thinks I'll look good in purple & gold or black & gold someday.

Meet my auntie LaLa. She is so much fun! We play peek a boo and roll on the floor. She makes me smile all the time.

This is my grammy. She likes to hug me and kiss me and squeeze me! We have fun playing games that take up all her time so she doesn't have any time to blog.

They tell me I'm cute, whatever that is.

So, what do you think?

We opened presents. Presents have crinkly paper and are fun to tear up.
This one has blanky from auntie LaLa!
My Pal Scout was hiding in this present!
Christmas is a lot of fun but it makes me sooooo tired.....