3 times is a charm was started before Dave's 3rd deployment, and the last one to Iraq. Now, for the 3rd time, I got my honey home, safe and sound. 2010 brings many celebrations, the 2 biggest are our 30th anniversary June 11, and our first grandchild's first birthday on June 24th! We continue to enjoy riding our Harley's together every chance we get. Looking forward to more adventure!!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
We joined our friends Brad and Kandie Vaughn Saturday for a trip through northeast Iowa. Leaving from Cedar Falls, we traveled east/northeast. We met Kirk and Wendy in Independence and they joined us for the day. What a gorgeous weekend for riding motorcycles!
We wiggled our way up to Lansing and crossed the river there over a steel bridge to Wisconsin. We road south to Prairie du Chien via the river road. Beautiful views of the river and the bluffs along the Mississippi. The colors were wonderful although the reds hadn't popped yet. With temperatures in the higher end (80s this weekend), the leaves are slow to turn.
We stayed in Prairie, ate dinner at The Angus (after an hour and a half wait, we were HUNGRY!), and sat front and center for a band that played there about 10pm. The Back Home Boys were really rockin' out the country songs. Three guys from Iowa and 3 from Wisconsin. We were too stuffed after dinner to dance, but we really enjoyed the folks that did get up and two-step. We went back to the hotel and sat around talking for a few more hours, getting to bed around 2am!!
We all were a bit slow going in the morning but took off for Clayton, Iowa where Bill's Landing is a great place to eat. "The best Bloody Mary's on the river!" We all wanted breakfast but they were out of eggs and hash-browns. We still had a great meal, stuffing us once again. The roads were good and twisty/curvy all the way until we got to the flat-lands, closer to home.
What a great time we all had. Great friends, great weather, and a great ride!
Sunday was Kandie's birthday. Kyle, the bartender/waiter was very sweet and brought Kandie a birthday basket of Broccoli Poppers and put a candle on one for her.
His grandpa rings the bell whenever he is there.
Carrie & Mike celebrated their 4th anniversary on Thursday, October 6th and their tradition is going to orchards in Wisconsin for apples. Friday, they took Mikey with them. I am sharing several pictures of their fun with Mikey.

Sunday, October 3, 2010
What the Morses have been up to lately.......
Dave & Dave looking over the map. Dave's Goldwing in foreground.
Us Bikers. Lois's Heritage Softail in foreground.
The following weekend, Larry Ugland, Dave's cousin, came to visit from Montrose, Colorado. If you read previous blogs, we visited Larry and Suzie on our vacation this summer. He was here for a class reunion in New Hampton and stayed with us one night. We had a great time but missed Suzie!
This past week, we were blessed with some more visitors! Dave's cousins Wayne & Linda Borlaug and Sharon Maher were visiting in Cedar Falls. We were able to enjoy a family dinner with all of the Morses and Lofstuens.
One thing, when you have company for 3 weeks in a row, your house gets cleaner and cleaner and stays that way! LOL
SEPTEMBER 25, 2010

Our son, SGT Ian Ralston, was critically injured on May 29th, 2010, while on a mission in Iraq. Ian's Stryker vehicle encountered an IED and Ian sustained a spinal cord injury. One of his best friends, David, saved Ian's life. Ian is a Combat Medic in the U.S. Army and is loved by many and we know that by now there are thousands of people around the world praying for his recovery. Because of Ian being in the Military, we would ask that any comments you make not include unit names, locations or any other vital information about our Soldiers and other Military Personnel.
Riders gathered at the Amvets in Cedar Falls on that rainy morning between 9-10am. People were breaking out the rain suits right and left. Those who didn't ride, followed in cars or trucks.
Second stop was in Shell Rock. I didn't get any pictures there.
Third stop: New Hartford, where they park in the middle of the street.
The lovely lady who is smiling at the camera is our dear Kandie. She has done so much to make all of this happen for Ian. She is a spitfire and when it comes to our soldiers and their families, she (and God) can move mountains.
We love you Kandie!!
We all took a long break in New Hartford. Leathers were soaked, you could wring out your socks and gloves. They had some great burgers for us too!
The fourth stop was Reinbeck at Jack & Arnie's Steakhouse. No pictures there either.
The fifth stop was at the Federal Pub in Hudson. Sorry, no pics!
The final stop was back at the Amvets, where we bought lots of tickets to win prizes and ate a wonderful steak dinner. Poor Dave was soooo tired after that day. Everyone was amazed he was able to ride since it was only 4 weeks post-surgery!!
Below, lots of leather and suits drying out.
OCTOBER 2, 2010
A day and night with Grammy & Gampa.
A day and night with Grammy & Gampa.
He saw some big boys (4 year old twins) climbing up on this thing and just had to try himself! He got a little stuck on this one. lol
After the park, we went for a treat at Dairy Queen! Mikey got a small dish of ice cream with sprinkles and Gampa got a chocolate malt. It wasn't long before Mikey took over Gampa's malt and wouldn't let him have any! It was so funny how he teased Gampa with it!
So, Dave and I are exhausted after playing with Mikey yesterday and today. Neither of us can think of anything we would love any better!
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