Amvets Post #49, Cedar Falls, Iowa 258 flags representing fallen soldiers |
"In honor of those lives lost on June 1, 2006, a memorial ride is planned for 4 June 2011. CW4 Michael Wright, SSGT Mike Hall, Sgt. Rhonald Meeks, SGT Erberich's lives were lost as they were en route to Ft. Rucker, AL from Hunter Army Airfield, GA in a helicopter crash.
This memorial ride is done each year, either the Saturday before or the Saturday after the anniversary date. Soldiers from Ft. Rucker, AL and from Hunter Army Airfield, family, and friends, ride to this event either by motorcycle or automobile."
Since we can't be with them when they ride, we are riding today, Memorial Day. Dave served with these guys when with the 160th SOAR, The Nightstalkers, for 2 deployments. Mike Wright was Dave's other "soulmate" in life, and he is sorely missed.
We all started at the Amvets, Post 49 with the Memorial Day ceremony where Dave was the guest speaker. The wind was howling and the flags were talking. Every time a name of a fallen soldier was spoken, the flags snapped, crackled, and popped! It was if they all could see us there, remembering them and their sacrifice for our freedom. God Bless the United States of America!!
Our ride was led by Capt. Kirk who took us southeast on some great curvy roads. It was quite windy but it wasn't cold. In fact, we all got quite sunburned (fried). We stopped at the cemetery in Waterloo, Brandon, Vinton, Kirk's house outside of LaPorte City, and back into Cedar Falls to Mr. G's. It was a memorable ride.
We are joined on this ride by Brad and Kandie Vaughn. Their son was killed in Afghanistan, February 2006 | | | |
Chris Neiderhauser in dress blues. Got to love a man in uniform!
Chris and Dave |
Photo Op with the Mayor of Cedar Falls, Jon Crews |
Kandie starting the day with an ATTITUDE!
Dave, Brad, and Kirk |
Standing at attention!
The crowd |
The band
The Firing Detail
Dave was the guest speaker
Every time a fallen soldier's name was spoken, the flags went crazy! It was like God was telling us we are doing the right thing with our Memorial Day, remembering our soldiers from all wars.
Rolling Thunder salute! Amvets Riders | |
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Travis Vaughn: Graveside. Travis served in the 160th and was also a Nightstalker. His chinook crashed, killing him and several other soldiers. |
Night Stalkers Don't Quit! |
Dave's dad and mom: graveside. Dave's dad served as a combat medic in WWII and landed on Omaha Beach. Later he was in General George Patton's 3rd Army |
Outside at Mickey's in Vinton |
Kandie showing more attitude |
Mickey's is painted black, walls and ceiling. We are by the palm tree |
Wallpaper in the men's bathroom. NO, I did NOT take this picture! |
Kandie: "Getting Fried!" |
Back Row: Lori Miller, Kandie, Lois Front Row: Perry Miller, Brad, Kirk, and Dave |
Biker Chicks |