Saturday, May 17, 2008

Poor Ranger

Our little buddy had his ACL surgery yesterday and we picked him up this morning. He looks pretty rough with his new haircut. He has lots of staples on an incision about 6-7" long. The physical therapy will be intense however. He has to be on a leash for 3 months every time we go outside, for everything. We will be taking him swimming every day too once his staples come out. Thank goodness it's warming up! I stopped in to see him at the vet yesterday after his surgery. He was so happy to see me but he was kind of dopey. We sat on the grass and he fell into my lap and fell asleep. It's really good to have him home. Oh yeah, Dave's home too! It's good to have him here. He wants to take his recliner back to Camp Dodge.

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