This is one of our 3 new trees in the backyard. This is how tall it is on the day Dave left for Oklahoma (tonight). I'll take another picture when he comes home next year.
The send off was brief and hot/humid. Good ol' Mayer Crews from Cedar Falls was there and gave a short and nice farewell. General Dardis was there too and did the same. Our thanks to Perry & Lori, Chuck, Brad, Kandie & Lucas Vaughn, & Jim & Mary Lee for joining us to say goodbye. It was good to have you there and know you care about Dave and our family so much. We love you guys too!
This time, we agreed that we wouldn't watch him get on that bus and wait until it left. We just said goodbye and head out. I think that was easier on all of us, Dave especially. The ceremony started off with the national anthem which of course, all of the soldiers in uniform saluted. Halfway through, I turned in time to see Lucas standing at attention in his little uniform and saluting too. That's when I lost it. It was so sweet and cute.
Lucas and Alexis
1 comment:
I think this tree picture is a neat idea. And what a nice tree! :) We just cut down all of ours this year, as they were pretty much dead. Now we get to decide what new ones we want to plant. It would be fun to take pictures of the kids by them every year for the next 10 years or so that we live here in this house. :)
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