Dave pulls out the map each night and we plan our route for the next day. This is a tentative plan, leaving plenty of room for changing our minds about roads, towns, etc. Our plan for this day was to take the Spearfish Canyon Road up to Spearfish, South Dakota, and then head west into Wyoming to the Devil's Tower. You will notice there are no pictures of Spearfish Canyon here; they are all in our memories. Take my word for it, it was so beautiful, green, the creek following the highway nearly the whole way, lots of curves and twists. The only thing disconcerting were the signs: Falling Rock, and the loose rocks at the side of the road that were big enough to...well, you know! The weather treated us well: cool in the morning and heating up in the afternoon. Coming out of the canyon into Spearfish, the scenery just kept getting better.
Neither of us had ever been to Wyoming before and we braved the highway (75-80 mph)to Sundance, Wyoming. From there, we took a very scenic road to the Devil's Tower. My dad used to hunt deer there. I always pictured the area with nothing around it for miles, like it might have been before it was settled. Of course, it has been a national monument for over 100 years so there are a few businesses and homes around! Not too much though. Lots of ranches. You don't smell cows when they are on a ranch!
It may look as though the top was cut off and put back on askew. That would be a problem with downloading pics from the camera; not so much the alien theories that are floating around.
We were a couple of weeks late, but we made it!!
Remember the sunflower fields I talked about? We stopped by the road and the fence was open at one corner of the field. Sunflower fields will just make you SMILE!
Here is something else to make you smile today:

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