Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Day Ride

Amvets Post #49, Cedar Falls, Iowa  258 flags representing fallen soldiers
 "In honor of those lives lost on June 1, 2006, a memorial ride is planned for 4 June 2011. CW4 Michael Wright, SSGT Mike Hall, Sgt. Rhonald Meeks, SGT Erberich's lives were lost as they were en route to Ft. Rucker, AL from Hunter Army Airfield, GA in a helicopter crash. 

This memorial ride is done each year, either the Saturday before or the Saturday after the anniversary date. Soldiers from Ft. Rucker, AL and from Hunter Army Airfield, family, and friends, ride to this event either by motorcycle or automobile."

Since we can't be with them when they ride, we are riding today, Memorial Day. Dave served with these guys when with the 160th SOAR, The Nightstalkers, for 2 deployments. Mike Wright was Dave's other "soulmate" in life, and he is sorely missed. 

We all started at the Amvets, Post 49 with the Memorial Day ceremony where Dave was the guest speaker. The wind was howling and the flags were talking. Every time a name of a fallen soldier was spoken, the flags snapped, crackled, and popped! It was if they all could see us there, remembering them and their sacrifice for our freedom. God Bless the United States of America!!

Our ride was led by Capt. Kirk who took us southeast on some great curvy roads. It was quite windy but it wasn't cold. In fact, we all got quite sunburned (fried). We stopped at the cemetery in Waterloo, Brandon, Vinton, Kirk's house outside of LaPorte City, and back into Cedar Falls to Mr. G's. It was a memorable ride.

We are joined on this ride by Brad and Kandie Vaughn. Their son was killed in Afghanistan, February 2006   

Chris Neiderhauser in dress blues. Got to love a man in uniform!
Chris and Dave
Photo Op with the Mayor of Cedar Falls, Jon Crews

Kandie starting the day with an ATTITUDE!
Dave, Brad, and Kirk

Standing at attention!

The crowd

The band

The Firing Detail
Dave was the guest speaker
Every time a fallen soldier's name was spoken, the flags went crazy! It was like God was telling us we are doing the right thing with our Memorial Day, remembering our soldiers from all wars.
Rolling Thunder salute! Amvets Riders 

Travis Vaughn: Graveside. Travis served in the 160th and was also a Nightstalker. His chinook crashed, killing him and several other soldiers.

Night Stalkers Don't Quit!

Dave's dad and mom: graveside. Dave's dad served as a combat medic in WWII and landed on Omaha Beach. Later he was in General George Patton's 3rd Army

Outside at Mickey's in Vinton

Kandie showing more attitude
Mickey's is painted black, walls and ceiling. We are by the palm tree

Wallpaper in the men's bathroom. NO, I did NOT take this picture!
Kandie: "Getting Fried!"

Back Row: Lori Miller, Kandie, Lois   Front Row: Perry Miller, Brad, Kirk, and Dave

Biker Chicks


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Twisted Sisters Outrun Tornado

Here is how this day started: Dave and I were playing with Mikey when I got a call from Tammy. Now, you must understand that Tammy has been working in Oklahoma building bridges for the past 8-9 months and I had not seen her since she left. She decided we were going for a ride, rain or shine and yes, it was looking like it was going to storm. When Tammy, Kandie, and Clancey got to my house, it was a tornado watch. We picked Tanya up on the way to the Amvets, our starting destination. When we left Amvets in Cedar Falls, it was upgraded to a warning but it was northwest northeast of us. As we headed out, someone hollered that a tornado touched down north of New Hartford (NW). We headed south!

My pictures are kind of mixed up so here is the route: Cedar Falls Amvets to Hudson to Dike to New Hartford, back to Amvets, then home. You will see by our pictures we had a great deal of fun. We survived the tornado and didn't get one drop of rain!

Clancey and Lois in Hudson

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

This post is to honor my wonderful mother, who still remembers me but doesn't remember 1 minute ago. She had a hard childhood with the depression and poor parents. She overcame hardship when a teacher visited and witnessed to her about Jesus. She became a Christian at about 15-16 years old. She was determined to raise her children differently than she was raised and boy howdy, she did that!! I remember her sitting beside my bed when I was scared, telling me bible stories to comfort me. She practiced her Sunday school stories on the flannel graph on me. I got a double dose! lol.

Here is to my mother!

Pro 31:25 Strength and honour [are] her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. Pro 31:26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue [is] the law of kindness. Pro 31:27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Pro 31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband [also], and he praiseth her. Pro 31:29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Pro 31:29 Favour [is] deceitful, and beauty [is] vain: [but] a woman [that] feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

Mom (Eula) and her twin Lula, and baby sis Helen
Your guess is as good as mine which is which!

Grandma & Grandpa Franklin (front)
Eula, Helen, Lula (back)
Little Dougie Hagen (center)

Eula, cousin Julie and Lula

My grandpa Engblom from Sweden with his girls,
Lula, Helen and Eula

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Long time no blog


I totally forgot to blog in the past 3 months! Not a lot has happened with us old folks but Mikey is growing so fast and is, of course, the smartest little boy ever!! The pictures were taken New Year's day when Dan & Tamela and their crew stopped for a visit. It had been a long time since we had seen them and the kids have grown up so much. Mikey thought they were all wonderful.

Carrie, Mikey, Anna & Helen

Anna, who looks just like her daddy here!

Helen, quite the sweetie.

Noah the wrestler

Essie, who along with her sister Helen, can keep up with wrestling brother Noah!

Rachel, who is camera shy but I got her!

Dave and I are looking forward to riding season. We have had a few nice days but the roads are so sandy yet. We start them up and rev for a while, lol. I'll be back soon with more pics and news.