Monday, February 4, 2008

Hurry up and wait!

It's funny how something like this can be in every waking thought and in your gut, kind of churning around. Dave is really ready for this. He has trained and worked for these situations his entire adult life. I believe he will be doing the same thing he did in Savannah, managing the maintenance of the planes. Believe me, it's much more complicated than I just made it sound! He has been occupied with preparations since the alert and goes to St. Paul with his commander tomorrow to meet with the staff from the unit they are going with. Those guys have been after Dave for a while now.

Our "other" life, the regular life anyway, is filled with doctor appointments with Thelma and my mom is moving this month. I will be getting away by going to Minnesota to help pack and move her. It will be good. I also have another trip coming up in March. I will be going to Chicago with Gretchen for the kitchen shop. That is exciting! I have never been to Chicago before and look forward to going with Gretchen the world traveler!

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